The general chairs want to effusively thank all the people and institutions involved in the organization of the IEEE Information Theory Workshop 2013 in Sevilla. Specially:
- The invited speakers for their enlightening talks:
- Sergio Verdú, Martin Wainwright, Lászlo Gyorfi, Ernest Fraenkel and Michael Kearns.
- The speakers at the fabulous “plenaritas”:
- Rudiger Urbanke, Suhas Diggavi, Venkat Anantharam, Naftali Tishby, Amos Lapidoth, Gabor Lugosi and Amin Shokrollahi.
- The technical committee for the outstanding program and TC co-chairs:
- Albert Guillén i Fábregas, Michael Honig and Alon Orlitsky
- Matilde Sanchez-Fernandez for patiently managing the finances.
- Luis Salamanca (the photographer) for welcoming the invited speakers and local arrangements. His work was most valuable and highly appreciated.
- The local committee, for his help at the conference rooms:
- Pablo M. Olmos, Rafael Boloix Tortosa, Eva Arias de Reyna, Melanie F. Pradier and Camilo G. Taborda.
- Alfonso Martínez for excelling at publication chair far and beyond his duties.
- Harold Molina-Bulla for ensuring the webpage was up and running 24/7.
- Isbilya agency, Juan Escobar and Angeles Mora for their great job organizing the registration, social events, the shuttle, and the coffees and lunches, among others.
- The Universidad Carlos III de Madrid and Universidad de Sevilla (Vicerrectorado de Investigación) for their funding.
- La Universidad de Sevilla (Rectorado) for allowing us to use the “Paraninfo” room for the inaugural lecture.
- The Escuela Técnica Superior de Ingeniería (ETSI) de la Universidad de Sevilla, and its staff, especially to Octavio, for hosting us.
- The IEEE Information Theory Society for their support to organize this conference.